Dear Aleksa,

Mr Julian Nicholas Taylor
4 min readAug 22, 2022

First and foremost, happy 28th birthday! I hope you’re well & your day is top notch best of the best while you’re happy making the most of it! Whether it’s riding horses, off roading or exploring the Renaissance fair. I’m sure you’re finding your way to what you enjoy the most! It’s been a long time but nonetheless want to let you know that you are a great inspiration for positive change. A kind and generous person that deserves more than most, a woman who is one of the last few with the archetypal embodiment of the old country of Lithuania. You’re a gentle soul that has always seen the best in people & do what you can to get them back on their feet. You’re a haven for animals & German shepherds who finds no higher devotion than to being a responsible pet owner.

Though writing a long-winded letter was in the deck of cards, it’s best to keep things simple & leave it one paragraph by me & to my main man Jordan B Peterson to say the rest. But before leaving it to the father I needed I want to simply define you’re value in my heart, mind & life.

You’ve been my life’s main model for positive self-change. From my lack of desire to grow into who I should have become while up taking the journey ­­to be a content creator on YouTube after watching countless Jenna Marbles videos, my biggest mistake in life was being an overbearing tyrant trying to control your life. One of the most important things I reflect upon is how hyper focused I was on issues that weren’t my own & unwilling to allow you the time you needed to work through the issues. Beyond my lamenting to my inability to think big picture have fallen short of the grace of our relationship. There’s no going back, but I can chalk up one of my biggest mistakes was moving in, after listening to several fantastic speakers such as Jordan B Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh & Tim Pool have found myself making so many mistakes that I think we’re lost to the wind. Cohabitating is like committing but also saying I wasn’t a test run without the responsibility of a real commitment. I somewhat disagree with questioning my commitment, but I will say I was overly committed to you while lacking in my own life’s responsibilities which of course is a quick way to create a fictitious resentment that should be directed at me who overextended in the first place. Boundaries weren’t set & I overextended. Now why did I overextend. Well selfish reason, first as you know I wanted to make edibles (The Missed YouTube Moment) & because I really do see you as my ride or die. After I uncovered the HSV letter you had written on your MacBook pro I had to decide. Do I as a person who really enjoys the company of a person who inadvertently gave me HSV leave to find myself making problems for others, or do I commit to the situation and see this as an opportunity for true courtship. I took the latter & my god do I not regret that. I do regret my immature natures & lack of finding fulfillment within my life than spending time with you & cleaning things up for my better half. Lastly where I went wrong more than anything is that out of my sheer irrational hyperfocus on cleaning I forgot the worst thing to ever forget. To appreciate you as my babe & taking you out on the town, shows, museums, campout festivals & country thunder. Worst about everything was by us cohabitating it made us feel like we were already a middle-aged couple who just wanted time alone from each other due to spending so much regular lifetime together and for this I can’t ever apologize enough for. It really brought the worst out of me of which I had never witnessed myself to be which I look back at in horror and pray to God with all my heart that I can strive to be a better man for the world, my family & my future relationships, whether friend or intimate significant other.

Again, Happy Birthday Aleksandra! I hope good luck struck you twice and that you’re happy, in a positive relationship that has you thinking about the next chapter in life if not already started in your next chapter if that’s the case CONGRATS. One day if not already you are going to be the most nurturing mother that has ever lived & I can only hope that I can be the best father in the future.

Years are changing, but I still and always will Love you to the moon no snooze while smiling about those pink horse rubber boots 😉

Thank you for everything, learning, loving & positive self-care found through uncoincidental real love.

From Yours Truly, Julian Nicholas Taylor

P.S.I wrote a lot but here’s last year’s birthday letter, much wordier but if you like reading with some coffee in the morning it’ll be a bright spot:

